Technical Help
Having technical issues with Replay Poker? If you’re experiencing any issues using our website or the website is not behaving as expected, please try the following solutions:
- Failed to Sync Game Updates
- Google Chrome - Blocking Third-Party Cookies
- Replay Poker supported browsers
- Disconnecting from games
- My table won't load
- Clearing your cache
- Clearing your cache - Google Chrome
- Clearing your cache - Microsoft Edge
- Clearing your cache - Safari
- Clearing your cache - Firefox
- How to resize the game window
- My game is lagging and freezing
- I can't log in
- My chat isn't working
- Bug Fixes
- Updating your browser
- Updating your browser - Google Chrome
- Updating your browser - Microsoft Edge
- Updating your browser - Safari
- Updating your browser - Firefox
- Disabling browser plugins
- Disabling browser plugins - Google Chrome
- Disabling browser plugins - Microsoft Edge
- Disabling browser plugins - Safari
- Disabling browser plugins - Firefox
- How to take a screenshot
- Required ports for play
- Saving Replay Poker to your desktop
- Playing on Mac OS, Linux, or Windows
- Saving Replay Poker to your desktop - Chrome